Genista involucrata Spach

Broom, Globular broom (Endemic to Turkey)

This species, also known as Ball broom, attracts attention with its inflorescences which are surrounded by bracteoles. Genista involucrata is distributed at the southern and central regions of Anatolia, and starts flowering with the coming of the summer season. It generally grows in maquis, coniferous forests, calcareous rocks and grazed slopes, at altitudes ranging between 600-1500 m. They are spineless shrubs that are low prostrate or hummock-forming. The sessile leaves are simple ranging from elliptic to obovate both surfaces of which are covered densely with hairs. The flowers are clustered at the branch tips; and the bracteoles which are 1-3 mm long, are borne just below the calyx and are quite distinct. The sepals are covered with long-soft hairs. The legumes are rectangular in shape, covered with long-soft hairs.